In March 2020, Exence completed modernization of the LAN at Ronal Polska.

This is the first stage of a project to implement a completely new network infrastructure in one of Ronal’s production plants in Poland.

In this first stage of the project new switches were used, which will form the core of the new network (CORE LAN). After considering several options for the new network the client decided on the latest connectivity offered by Aruba CX 8320 switches.

Flexible and intelligent Aruba CX 8320 switches with AI algorithms are a dedicated series for building network cores in enterprises or data centres.

A fully programmable network operating system and cloud-centric design delivers automation and simplicity, including easy-to-use configuration tools for error-free installs. Built-in monitoring and analytics further enhance the operator experience with immediate troubleshooting and problem resolution insights.

The process of choosing a new technology for the construction of the core LAN took several months. Above all, we wanted to accurately identify and compare the various technological options available. We expected a concept to build a new core network using technologies based on various AOS-CX, AOS-S and Comware operating systems. Exence fulfilled this task perfectly, providing us with an astonishing 11 possible options to choose from.

Janusz Lang

Head of IT , Ronal Polska

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